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Minggu, 08 Januari 2012

Long journey Apple and Steve Jobs Change the World Thursday, October 6, 2011 9:58 pm

Long journey Apple and Steve Jobs Change the WorldThursday, October 6, 2011 9:58 pm
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Apple Inc. founder Steve Jobs died on Wednesday (U.S. time) after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. Here are some of Apple's history milestone in the gadget world:
1976 - Duo friend since high school, Steven Wozniak and Steve Jobs started Apple Computer. Their first product, the Apple I, built in the form of printed circuit boards. Those models with the "Homebrew Computer Club" in Palo Alto, California.
1977 - Apple launches the Apple II. A first personal computer in the design of the plastic casing and the internal color graphics.
1983 - Start selling Apple "Lisa", a desktop computer for business with the legendary interface. The interface is still in use (principally) by the computer until today.
1984 - Apple released the Macintosh computer debut.
1985 - Apple fired Steve Jobs related to the internal struggles.
September 1997 - Jobs returned as interim CEO at Apple after the company lost more than 1.8 billion U.S. dollars.
November 1997 - Jobs introduced a new line of Macintosh G3 computers and websites that allow consumers to buy directly from Apple.
1998 - Apple introduces the iMac desktop computer.
2001 - Apple introduced the iPod.
2003 - Apple opens the iTunes Store, an online store allows users to purchase and download music, audiobooks, movies and TV.
August 2004 - Jobs announces he underwent successful surgery to remove his pancreas cancer.
January 2007 - Apple introduces the iPhone.
2008 - Apple opened the App Store as an update to iTunes.
January 2009 - Jobs takes leave of absence for health reasons. COO Tim Cook led the company while.
June 2009 - Jobs returned to Apple after undergoing liver transplantation.
April 2010 - Apple began selling the iPad, a tablet touch screen 10 inches, and has a market share of 84 percent of the tablet at the end of 2010.
January 17, 2011 - Jobs announces that he will take another medical leave.
March 2, 2011 - Apple launches iPad 2.
August 9, 2011 - Apple is seen as the most valuable U.S. company.
August 24, 2011 - Jobs steps down as CEO and was replaced by Tim Cook, Apple's chief operating officer.
October 5, 2011 - Jobs dies at age 56 after a long battle with pancreatic cancer.
Editors: Stevy MaradonaSource: Reuters





Perjalanan Panjang Apple dan Steve Jobs Mengubah Dunia
Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011 09:58 WIB

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Pendiri Apple Inc  Steve Jobs meninggal, Rabu (waktu AS) setelah pertempuran panjang dengan kanker pankreas. Berikut adalah beberapa tonggak sejarah Apple dalam dunia gadget:

1976 - Duo karib sejak SMU, Steven Wozniak dan Steve Jobs memulai Apple Computer. Produk pertama mereka, Apple I, dibangun dalam bentuk papan sirkuit. Mereka memeragakannya di "Homebrew Computer Club" di Palo Alto, California.

1977 - Apple meluncurkan Apple II. Sebuah komputer pribadi pertama dalam desain casing plastik dan grafis internal warna.

1983 - Apple Mulai menjual "Lisa", sebuah komputer desktop untuk bisnis dengan antarmuka yang legendaris. Antarmuka yang masih digunakan (prinsipnya) oleh komputer sampai hari ini.

1984 - Apple merilis debut komputer Macintosh.

1985 - Apple memecat Steve Jobs terkait pertarungan internal.

September 1997 - Jobs kembali sebagai CEO sementara di Apple setelah perusahaan itu merugi lebih dari 1,8 miliar dolar AS.

November 1997 - Jobs memperkenalkan barisan baru komputer Macintosh G3 dan website yang memungkinkan konsumen membeli langsung dari Apple.

1998 - Apple memperkenalkan komputer desktop iMac.

2001 - Apple memperkenalkan iPod.

2003 - Apple membuka iTunes Store, toko online memungkinkan pengguna untuk membeli dan men-download musik, audiobooks, film dan TV.

Agustus 2004 - Jobs mengumumkan ia menjalani operasi yang sukses untuk mengangkat kanker pankreasnya.

Januari 2007 - Apple memperkenalkan iPhone.

2008 - Apple membuka App Store sebagai update ke iTunes.

Januari 2009 - Jobs mengambil cuti karena alasan kesehatan. COO Tim Cook memimpin perusahaan sementara.

Juni 2009 - Jobs kembali ke Apple setelah menjalani transplantasi hati.

April 2010 - Apple mulai menjual iPad, tablet layar sentuh 10 inci, dan memiliki pangsa 84 persen dari pasar tablet di akhir 2010.

17 Januari 2011 - Jobs mengumumkan bahwa ia akan mengambil cuti medis lain.

2 Maret 2011 - Apple meluncurkan iPad 2.

9 Agustus 2011 - Apple dipandang sebagai perusahaan AS yang paling berharga.

24 Agustus 2011 - Jobs mundur sebagai CEO dan digantikan oleh Tim Cook, chief operating officer Apple.

5 Oktober 2011 - Jobs meninggal pada usia 56 setelah pertempuran panjang dengan kanker pankreas.

Redaktur: Stevy Maradona
Sumber: Reuters


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